version control with git and GitHub

%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'dark' , 'themeVariables': {
'commitLabelFontSize': '16px'
} } }%%
  commit id: "initialize"
  commit id: "add README"
  commit id: "add model"
  branch microbial
  checkout microbial
  commit id: "microbial params"
  branch chemistry
  checkout chemistry
  commit id: "chemistry params"
  checkout microbial
  merge chemistry
  checkout main
  merge microbial
  commit id: "one-pool model"



  • Describe various coding workflows
  • Paraphrase how version control workflows facilitate collaboration on code products

Git & GitHub

  • Describe the difference between Git and GitHub
  • Navigate GitHub via a web browser
  • Use GitHub to create a new repository
  • Edit a new repository through GitHub’s interface

RStudio (local <–> cloud)

  • Describe the computer-to-GitHub order of operations
  • Define fundamental Git vocabulary
  • Create a local version-controlled repository that is connected to GitHub

advanced topics: conflicts, branches, forks

  • Describe the causes of merge conflicts
  • Explain how to avoid merge conflicts
  • Summarise what to do if a merge conflict occurs

project management: issues, projects, READMEs

miscellaneous: data, best practices

what it is:

  • an open-source, distributed version control system designed for speed and efficiency1


  • Git: version control software used to track files in a directory (a repository)
    • Git creates the versioned history of a repository
  • GitHub: website that allows users to store their Git repositories and share them with others (i.e., a graphical user interface)

self host

git organization

the repository (think directory) is the fundamental organizational unit

do not add repositories to synchronized storage



  • Describe various coding workflows
  • Paraphrase how version control workflows facilitate collaboration on code products

Git & GitHub

  • Describe the difference between Git and GitHub
  • Navigate GitHub via a web browser
  • Use GitHub to create a new repository
  • Edit a new repository through GitHub’s interface

RStudio (local <–> cloud)

  • Describe the computer-to-GitHub order of operations
  • Define fundamental Git vocabulary
  • Create a local version-controlled repository that is connected to GitHub

advanced topics: conflicts, branches, forks

  • Describe the causes of merge conflicts
  • Explain how to avoid merge conflicts
  • Summarise what to do if a merge conflict occurs

project management: issues, projects, READMEs

miscellaneous: data, best practices



  • Describe various coding workflows
  • Paraphrase how version control workflows facilitate collaboration on code products

Git & GitHub

  • Describe the difference between Git and GitHub
  • Navigate GitHub via a web browser
  • Use GitHub to create a new repository
  • Edit a new repository through GitHub’s interface

RStudio (local <–> cloud)

  • Describe the computer-to-GitHub order of operations
  • Define fundamental Git vocabulary
  • Create a local version-controlled repository that is connected to GitHub

advanced topics: conflicts, branches, forks

  • Describe the causes of merge conflicts
  • Explain how to avoid merge conflicts
  • Summarise what to do if a merge conflict occurs

project management: issues, projects, READMEs

miscellaneous: data, best practices


GitHub organization

  • repositories can be public (controlled write access) or private (controlled read access)
  • repository owner can provide write access to other accounts
  • organizations can link many accounts
    • accounts within organizations can be organized into teams for additional organization and access control

workflows: conflicts

workflows within groups

workflows: branches

workflows: forks

workflows: forks



  • Describe various coding workflows
  • Paraphrase how version control workflows facilitate collaboration on code products

Git & GitHub

  • Describe the difference between Git and GitHub
  • Navigate GitHub via a web browser
  • Use GitHub to create a new repository
  • Edit a new repository through GitHub’s interface

RStudio (local <–> cloud)

  • Describe the computer-to-GitHub order of operations
  • Define fundamental Git vocabulary
  • Create a local version-controlled repository that is connected to GitHub

advanced topics: conflicts, branches, forks

  • Describe the causes of merge conflicts
  • Explain how to avoid merge conflicts
  • Summarise what to do if a merge conflict occurs

project management: issues, projects, READMEs

miscellaneous: data, best practices




  • Describe various coding workflows
  • Paraphrase how version control workflows facilitate collaboration on code products

Git & GitHub

  • Describe the difference between Git and GitHub
  • Navigate GitHub via a web browser
  • Use GitHub to create a new repository
  • Edit a new repository through GitHub’s interface

RStudio (local <–> cloud)

  • Describe the computer-to-GitHub order of operations
  • Define fundamental Git vocabulary
  • Create a local version-controlled repository that is connected to GitHub

advanced topics: conflicts, branches, forks

  • Describe the causes of merge conflicts
  • Explain how to avoid merge conflicts
  • Summarise what to do if a merge conflict occurs

project management: issues, projects, READMEs

miscellaneous: data, best practices

BPs: the data

BPs: file types

BPs: commit messages1

fix: change reference from child development lab to child study lab